The Understanding Diversity, Equality & Inclusion online course is included with Expert LMS for free.
Equality and Diversity
Equality and Diversity
Equality and Diversity
Equality and Diversity
Equality and Diversity
Equality and Diversity
Understanding diversity, equality, and inclusion (DEI) is essential to creating a healthier community. But once you’ve grasped the conceptual elements of DEI, how do you put them into practice? And how can you apply your knowledge to your unique community?
In this course, you’ll learn how the stories we tell ourselves impact our well-being. You’ll discover the power of the narratives we tell as individuals, within social groups, and through institutions, and you’ll explore ways to counter these narratives through specific examples and exercises. By the end of this course, you will know how to:
Create space for diverse perspectives and critique current power structures.
Navigate the ambiguity and complexity that come with multiple perspectives.
Take action to promote equity and justice.
Approx 30 Mins
This course is included in our range of online hospitality courses, perfect for any business in the hospitality industry.
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