The 7 Go-To Strategies to Tame Stress online course is included with Expert LMS for free.
Mental Health Awareness
Mental Health Awareness
Mental Health Awareness
Mental Health Awareness
Mental Health Awareness
Mental Health Awareness
Stress is inevitable, yet many of us struggle to cope effectively when we encounter stressful situations. We resort to unhealthy outlets like procrastinating or overeating—typically making our problems worse. Most of us know that managing stress in a healthy way benefits our well-being, relationships, job performance, and more.
But how do we get there? In this course, you’ll learn to tame stress by first understanding the difference between healthy and unhealthy coping strategies. Then, you’ll learn seven effective techniques that can help you relieve stress and regain control.
Approx 30 Mins
This course is included in our range of online hospitality courses, perfect for any business in the hospitality industry. Our world-leading Hospitality LMS solution includes over 100 courses as standard, and is packed full of fantastic features specifically designed for your hospitality business.
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